Dream of having a body you love, and feeling so healthy that you know it’s loving you back.
Wish you could figure out how to eat so that you never have to stress out about food or diets again.
Assume that model fit/your high school jeans/your wedding weight are totally out of reach – and you shouldn’t be caring (but you do…)
Have started to wonder if you’ll ever be one of those girls who loves her body and her life – or if that chance has passed you by. (Spoiler alert: It hasn’t passed you by, beautiful – your time is now!)
Had no idea that your relationship with your body is intimately connected to your relationship with God – and has everything to do with the Gospel.

Never even imagined that God could care – passionately – about all of this.

“I know I haven’t been taking care of my body recently. I know I need to get back on track.”
“I haven’t felt pretty or lovable since I was called ‘fat’ in school.”
“My mom has always struggled with her weight and talked about how much she hates her body. I feel like I’m destined to be the same way.”
“I hate the feeling that my weight has to do with being loved. I mean, I want to be healthy, but I also want to be loved as I am!”
“I’m thin now, but I’m secretly terrified that someday I won’t be…and that will mean I won’t be loved.”
“I often feel stressed/lonely/unloved/anxious, and food is my reliable comfort.”

Any of these feelings strike a chord?

You love God, and your faith is a central part of your life, but you’ve got a secret:

You don’t really like your body.

And other than trying to focus on contentment and inner beauty, you really don’t know what to do about it.

So you’ve:

Started resenting the ‘perfect’ bodies in popular culture, believing that that’s unrealistic and those are negative role models.

Tried and given up on a million diets and either
Bullet Point 5   thrown in the towel and decided to eat what you want and slowly put on weight, or
Bullet Point 5   stayed in the cycle of over-working out, overeating, guilt, blaming yourself for lacking discipline, and becoming bitter or resigned – only to start all over again.

Maintained your slimness in a state of fear, hoping to be considered ‘hot’ by cultural standards – all the while wishing you didn’t feel pressured to feel this way.

Never imagined that your weight, wellness, food habits and faith could have any connection

Never dared to hope that there could be a (much!) better way that could bring peace and health to all of these areas

Then Welcome, beautiful! You’re in the right spot :)
I struggled with the way I thought about and treated my body for years.
And then I discovered something amazing.
Ready for the good news? There doesn’t need to be any more fighting. Any more fretting. Any more despair.
After 12 years of ups and downs in weight and in body love, from pastry binges to celery deprivation, I finally have a relationship with my body that isn’t just peaceful – it’s ecstatic.

I finally found the solution that brought me to this amazingly blissful place of
Bullet Point 5   loving my body,
Bullet Point 5   feeling closer to God than ever, and
Bullet Point 5   inadvertently regaining my professional modeling weight…
with the happy addition of chocolate, cream, and bread to my daily diet. :)
But more about the solution in just a sec.

First, let me give you the low-down:

90% of what we’ve been taught about our bodies has been from culture.

Now when I say culture you might think of:

Bullet Point 5   The soft-core you-know-what of bizarrely posed, barely-dressed, utterly airbrushed models on bus stop posters and in magazine ads.
Bullet Point 5   The sea of beach-body tabloid and women’s health mag covers in the check-out line at the store.
Bullet Point 5   The over-emphasized, over-sexualized, over-pressured status of women’s bodies in mainstream media.

But did you know there is more than just one culture influencing us?

How about your family culture? What your mom says about her body, and how she treats it. What your dad or brother has said about ‘hot’ women over the years.
What about your peer culture? Your girlfriends complaining about their weight, or enlisting you to go on some new diet with them or to not tell anyone that they’re secretly purging or binging.
Starting to see some other ways culture has gotten to you?

Now try this one:

A culture where donuts are often used as a welcome and the only deadly sin that isn’t mentioned much is gluttony.


But church is a good place! The church is Christ’s bride!
You’re right about that, beautiful!
So why has Christ’s beautiful bride allowed behaviors that abuse one of God’s greatest masterpieces – the incredible miracle of the human body – into this holy space?

In fact, why has it become the norm?

This is a wake-up call for Christian women who want to serve God with their whole heart, mind, body, and soul.
This is an invitation to women who have been seduced by the (very right) connection between body care and spirit care offered outside of the Christian context, and who have drifted away from the church because no one there addressed this incredibly important connection.
This is the secret password to another level of fulfillment for women who love fitness but don’t think it goes beyond just staying healthy and slim and feeling good.
This is arms wide open in a healing hug for women who are unhappy with their bodies and have found comfort in the idea that God doesn’t care about their bodies, but still can’t figure out why they don’t feel loved, energized, and peaceful. (Hint: the truth is better.)



Well, the body part is pretty clear. No question what we’re going to be talking about here! We’ll cover all the key aspects of full health (and how hot might just slip in as an accidental side effect ;) ), from nutrition and fitness to stress relief and rest.

But why stewardship?

You’ve probably heard of financial stewardship, or environmental stewardship. It’s the idea of taking care of something that doesn’t belong to you, but that you have the power and the responsibility to care for well. Here’s the deal: Your body is a walking testament to the Gospel. (What?!) It’s also a major tool in some of God’s biggest callings in your life. And – equally important – it’s God’s gift to you to enjoy your life through. So, there is a way to care for your body that is holy – and we are going to learn to live it out, lovely!

Intrigued? Then dive in!


Bombshell Body is an entirely online 10 week course.

Each week is dedicated to a different topic, and walks you through everything you need to know and do to see changes in your life in that area. (Hint: see below for the break-down of topics for each week!)
For each topic, I cover the realizations to make and steps to take through:
Bullet Point 5   3-4 in-depth videos (considerably longer than my weekly VLX TV blog videos – you are going to want to grab a cup of tea and settle in to watch these!) – mostly filmed from the gorgeous Dalmatian Coast in Croatia, overlooking the Adriatic Sea
Bullet Point 5   3-5 personal worksheets to lead you through reflections on your own thoughts, experiences, and plans for that area
Bullet Point 5   a weekly overview to give you the big picture of what we are trying to accomplish that week.

So how does that work?

Once you purchase the course, you receive an email that allows you to set up your login – a username and password – with which you login to the course website. There you’ll have the modules and content at your fingertips – to watch, read, and work through at your convenience, any time of day or night, in total privacy, and at your own pace.

Why is this so awesome?

When you sign up, you’ll immediately receive lifetime access to the content, which means you can work through the course any time you like, as many times as you like, and as I add new content and bonuses you will always have full access to everything new, at the price you originally paid. Consider it your reward for having the bravery and initiative to jumpstart your lifetime of wellness now!


So, what’s inside?

GOD’S WORD: I believe that all truth is God’s truth. If the Bible doesn’t specify that vegetables are a great thing to eat (oh wait, it does), or that sprouted grains are the healthiest (oops, that’s in there too!), we can attribute what we have learned through centuries of studies about what it takes for the human body to thrive to the magnificent design of God. However, if something in today’s science or society clearly goes against the commands of Scripture, it’s outta here, babe! We won’t be living by that!
HEALTH: Trying to figure out how to best take care of your body in today’s avalanche of health and weight loss advice is like trying to see past your nose in a blizzard. So, we’ll have straight talk about nutrition, movement, and rest that will work for your body, as well as healthy and holy ways to relieve life’s internal and external stresses.
HOW TO MAKE IT WORK: Because I don’t think it’s savvy or helpful to suggest a totally foreign lifestyle when it’s unnecessary, I am going to break down how to parse through the biggest trends in weight loss and wellness today to help you develop a modern wellness routine that will align with the Bible while being familiar enough to welcome friends who are not as interested in faith to join in on.
HOW TO HEAL YOUR HEART: Finally, we are going to cover the reasons why this seemingly simple switch to healthy living has been so darn hard to start or maintain for so long by revealing the subconscious emotions that are sabotaging us – by shining the most powerful Light on them!

Whew! Sound good?

10 rich modules of body + soul love
Module 1: Free Your Vision
We start by learning how to get in touch with – maybe for the first time – the kind of relationship we want with our bodies, and the kind of wellness routine we think sounds like a fantasy! I’ll teach you how to dream big in spite of past disappointments, and then how to use the balance of inspiration and structure to work within the bounds of your life to create the changes you want. We’ll identify and bust through your blocks and you’ll be amazed by how much power you really have to create a life you and your body will love. It’s time to dream again!
Module 2: Know Your Hero
Got some big goals down for module 1? Already starting to doubt that they’re possible? Time to bring in the Hero through whom all things are possible! But wait, do you really know this guy? Deep and lasting success and peace in life and with any of our goals requires a solid knowledge of and trust in God’s character. I’ll show you how to develop a close personal friendship with the Lord, so you can feel more loved, known, secure and powerful than you ever dreamed. Learn what unconscious theology is and what you are believing in your heart and living out of – even if you know it’s not true in your head. Get the comprehensive list of methods for breaking out of these damaging untrue beliefs, and live free for good.
Module 3: The Word on Our Bodies
Now that we know the nature of God and are feeling all snuggled up and friendly with Him, it’s time to find out what His Word really says about our bodies. This stuff will blow your mind! It certainly did mine! From tabernacles and temples (all those exact cubit widths!) to blood shed, ownership, and the anti-Christ, we are getting deep into Scripture to give you a whole new perceptive on the importance and beauty of your body.
Module 4: A Cultural War
Time to lift our heads up from Scripture and look out at the messy world around us. You may think mostly of the media and popular culture when I say culture, but believe me, there is way more to culture than that! We’ll be walking through the influences of your family culture, your peer culture, and even church culture to see how our thoughts and experiences about our bodies have been misled, and how we can not only get them back on track, but be leaders in these cultures for much more love and positive change.
Module 5: Saboteurs - Shame
This is a biggie! And yet very few people relate it to all of our body insecurities. It started all the way back with original sin, but it doesn’t have to last a day longer in your life, lovely! Christ truly has taken our shame away, but living that out – especially when it comes to how we feel about our bodies – can be a difficult task! I will walk you through the steps to completely release this shame in your life, and be fully in love with and confident in your body now, even as you continue to work to make it its healthiest!
Module 6: Saboteurs - Blocking Love and Pleasure
This is another area very few people address – largely because it’s a tricky one to grasp. We talk about love so much it’s become almost overlooked. Rarely do we stop to consider what’s behind it all and whether we have really embraced how much we need it, and how much we may not be receiving or experiencing it. Pleasure, too, is tricky: there is Biblical pleasure (simply the best!) and there are all the twists and perversions of the world that can trip us up. Yet without Godly love and pleasure, we are going to feel a deep longing and craving in our lives that even a longer quiet time can’t fill. I’ll teach you how to receive love, and how to embrace pleasure in the right ways that will only bring you health and joy – no guilt, regret, or sugar crashes included!
Module 7: Daily Practices - Nutrition
This is where the rubber really hits the road. Sound nutrition principles are key, and while you may think you can rattle them off by memory, some of what you think is healthy may need to be tweaked! Plus, what’s the point of knowing what’s healthy if it’s so unappealing that you’ll never do it? I’ll share and walk you through the system for making the foods you love the healthy lifestyle you’ll stick to for good. Sound impossible? Believe me, beautiful, it is very possible!
Module 8: Daily Practices - Movement
It may not be nearly as important as nutrition when it comes to health, but the right kind – and amount – of movement is key when it comes to creating a body that you love living in – and even a routine that you love living out! But with so much advice as to how, when, and how much to work out, how do you have any idea what to do, let alone what you’ll stick to? I’ll chop through all the major trends in fitness today and give it to you straight from the models’ mouths: what to do if you’re primarily interested in having a lean and strong physique that feels as fabulous as it looks.
Module 9: Daily Practices - Rest
Now that you know how to move your body, it’s time to learn how to let it not move and take a break! Rest is a dirty word in our society, but honoring the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments and it’s about time we took this baby seriously! Rest is more than just not moving, of course, and it needs to be a part of each day of the week. But with crazed schedules and expectations, how do we get rest and lower our stress in a way that fuels our life instead of setting us back? I’ll show you how to fight for sleep, declare yourself worthy of rest, and release the mental and emotional stresses in your life – as well as the physical – in a way that adds to your health, instead of detracting from it!
Module 10: Setting Up Your Dream Wellness Life
At last! We get to pull it all together and make this amazing wellness life a reality for you! This is where we get down to business and talk logistics. I will walk you through each area of your life for a cleanse and rebuild: your environment, your influences, your thoughts, your pantry, your closet – you name it! Then we will develop a schedule that combines that structure and inspiration we talked about at the beginning, giving you a daily and weekly routine that will work for you and that you will love!

Lifetime access to all 10 modules.

Each module is waiting for you to dive in whenever you’re ready! There’s no need to worry about keeping to a schedule – this content isn’t going anywhere! You can go through it at your convenience and return to it any time you like.

The most gorgeous online health home.

From the dashboard where all of the modules are laid out, to each week’s teaching, to the personal reflection worksheets and the videos, I have done everything I can (read: by bringing in a designer who can do a much better job than I can!) to make this a beautiful online space that you will want to return to again and again for clarity and encouragement as you work on your goals.

A community of like-minded soul sisters.

As the Bombshell Body community blossoms, I will be launching an online space where women on this journey of Godly body love and care from all over the globe can swap tips, encouragement, and ideas. An amazing resource for support and inspiration!

Full access to all the bonuses (plus any added in the future, at no extra cost)

As Bombshell Body grows, I will be adding incredible new bonus trainings and content – there is so much to share!

What’s in store?

Bonus #1

Workout videos: I won’t just cull through the fitness trends, tell you what to do, and then leave you to go off and Google how to do them! I’ll be shooting some videos just for you to walk you through the main different types of workouts designed to achieve a strong, slender, flexible physique.

Bonus #2

Model to Model: Interviews with healthy, holy, hot role models (some of whom are professional models!) about how they care for their bodies, fit their body care into their busy lives, and maintain a loving relationship with their bodies that incorporates their faith.

Bonus #3

Recipes: My favorite snacks, sweets, salads, smoothies and juices for health and pleasure. (Warning: I have a serious love of chocolate and macaroons!) Plus, suggestions for desserts and dishes to make and take to parties and holidays, so you never have to feel like you’re missing out on anything (except that miserable post-Thanksgiving-desserts stomach ache!)

Bonus #4

Prayerffirmations: Peaceful audio recordings, set to the most calming music, to start, end, or center your day back on a place of stillness, and focus on God’s truth and love for you. An incredible combination of prayer, affirmation, and meditation on the Word.

Bonus #5

Early-bird sign-up access to The Bombshell Body Retreat.

PLUS a VIP option:

Let’s face it – every body is different! And every lifestyle, set of goals and set of circumstances brings in a whole new set of considerations! If you’d love for me to dive into your world and give you my firsthand advice on creating this love relationship with your body as it can fit into your life, I would love to add some personal coaching to your course mix!

VIP Level

One 60-minute phone 1-on-1 laser coaching session, to hone in on exactly your particular wellness goals, lifestyle, and blocks and help you bust through them with my intimate support.

Why is coaching so awesome?

Bullet Point 5   I get to know you! Ever felt alone in this crazy confusing battle with your body? It doesn’t need to feel that way, and you don’t need to go the journey alone. I would love to give you the powerful sense of having a friend on your side – one who knows your story and is cheering for you all the way!

Bullet Point 5   You get super-specific personalized advice. Because every story and lifestyle is different, and if you can’t stand chocolate (?!), dairy, certain workouts or massages, or your job means you have to get up at 4 every morning, I will be able to tailor the Bombshell Body lifestyle to exactly your situation, giving you a personalized game plan that works and that you love.

Bullet Point 5   You get accountability. Somehow, talking 1-on-1 to someone about your circumstances, struggles, goals and dreams acts as a kick in the pants to get it done. Talking about it out loud and having a knowledgeable and caring soul on the other end encourage you and show you how you can do this can make all the difference in the world to making it happen.

Meet Jackie

Eight years ago, I was caught in the middle of a terrible relationship with my body.

I was overweight.

I was more out of shape than I had ever been.
I was embarrassed to leave the house, and depressed whenever I got dressed.
I couldn’t control my appetite, and while I thought each binge would bring me relief, I only felt worse afterward.
I was in a downward spiral and only picking up steam.
I hated living in my body, and no matter how many times or ways I tried to change my ‘mindset’ or my body image, to be content with this new version of myself, it didn’t work.

I was miserable.

And honestly, I had started to doubt that there was any way out.
The trouble had started a few years earlier. I was stressed in school, and because I wasn’t yet eating in a way that allowed me to manage my appetite, my yogurt dessert each evening was becoming more like an endless yogurt sundae. Then my mother became seriously ill, and I became her primary caregiver. The emotional distress of bathing and feeding her in what we thought were her final days was more than I could bear, and again I turned to food.

I didn’t know how to relieve stress and despair without overeating.

When – Praise the Lord – she made a miraculous recovery and pulled out of her illness, I was left with my own battle-scarred body, and in France the following summer, I lost hope and control.

Now 50 pounds heavier, I had a decision to make: either accept this new level of unfitness as my new norm, or begin the slow fight back to the wellness I had.

Well, as it turned out, I did neither.

Instead, by fighting the battle on two fronts – both the inside and the outside – I achieved a level of total wellness I had never had before – and had never thought was possible.

Because here’s the thing: when I was slim and fit previously, I was still tremendously legalistic, insecure, and fear-and-guilt-driven with my body.

When I wanted chocolate, I ate celery, and that led to a longing for chocolate that exploded into a binge days or even weeks later, depending on how long I could ‘last.’

It wasn’t until I actually dealt with some of my underlying beliefs about – of all things – God and how He designed the world, that my body and I became a total A-team, working together instead of against each other, and loving every second of it!

As I spent more time focusing on how the body was handled in the Word, I was blown away by how important our self-care is, both in how we think about our bodies and in how we actively care for them.

And this is where many of the teachings and perspectives out there fall short: they focus all attention on the outer care and getting fit, or they focus only on the importance of coming to love your body in all of its beautiful imperfection.

And if they do at all balance these two (very connected!) areas, they don’t bring in God.

But as I studied and refined my relationship with God and my body, I realized that any way of taking care of my body that didn’t keep God and His design and love for my body at the forefront of my goals and habits, not only would probably not last, but would never be deeply peaceful and easy.

How could it be? How could I hope to create a dreamy relationship with my body, inside and out, without staying fully connected to the One who created it, inside and out?

The problem is, healing and deepening our relationship with God involves a lot of different pieces!

We have to unearth our ‘subconscious theology’ – the beliefs underneath the surface, deep in our hearts, that we may be living out of without even knowing it.

Beliefs like,

‘God doesn’t really love me.’
‘I’m not good enough for God’s love.’
‘God will eventually desert me like everyone else.’
‘God doesn’t really have my best interests in mind.’

Unknotting these deep beliefs takes not only learning the truth, but rewiring the neural pathways in our brains (no kidding!) that are firmly convinced of these untrue ‘truths.’ This takes repeated affirmations, healing prayer, and meditation on the Word.

Then, of course, we haven’t even touched the big changes we have to make in our relationship with our own body! How do we even begin to address the deep wounds dealt by a culture that teaches us that we have no worth unless we look a certain way, or weigh a certain weight?

Is there any truth in such a culture? If not, how do we recover from and continue to live in the midst of lies?

Working for 12 years as a runway model and 3 years in the ministry field made one thing very clear to me:

I am NOT alone in my concerns, pains, struggles, and attempts to sort through this mess of living in and loving my body in a Godly way in a broken world.

Are you with me?

But I couldn’t find anyone who was teaching on this topic from all of the involved angles, and via all of the means required to create deep and lasting transformation.

So, I set out to teach on it myself, sharing my experiences and my studies of health from the scientific and medical perspective in undergrad (at Johns Hopkins – a nerdville where I fit right in!), then from the cultural and media (especially social media – whew!) perspective in grad school (at Georgetown, a slightly more chic nerdville), and from the Biblical and theological perspective after years in the Word and in ministry.

I had discovered something – a really big something, actually! – and it had released me from years of struggling, being angry at myself and at the world, and feeling like I was never going to figure this ‘be happy and healthy’ thing out.

Now there’s no dread, no guilt – only excitement! – when I think about or move through my body care routines.

It’s like this tremendous weight has been lifted from my shoulders – because from here on out, it’s all love – all happy, healthy, holy body love!

I can so remember when I used to stress about whether I was always going to have to be paranoid about my weight, or what others thought of me, or whether I would have ‘what it took’ to care for my body for a lifetime.

Where was I going to find the discipline? The time? The ‘right answer’ to what to eat, when to eat, how to workout, etc etc etc?

Those days are GONE, and I’m deliciously happy to announce that they will not be coming back!

Along the way, I found out that health is much more than just your blood pressure, that way too many women don’t like their bodies, and that God’s gorgeous plan for our wellness is far too under-taught. In fact, most of the women I have spoken to have said that they have never heard the topic of body care addressed from a Christian perspective!
When I started speaking and doing group coaching sessions on the these topics, I quickly realized there was no way I could convey the amount of information these beautiful women needed to hear in such a short time frame.

So the Bombshell Body Course was born!

I am thrilled to share it with you and to welcome you into this journey and community.

Ready, lovely?

Are you ready to love your body, beautiful?
What would it feel like to wake up every day and absolutely love your body?
What would you do if you had this deep peace in your own skin – knowing that God loves it, knowing that you love it, knowing that it is in its best health?
What could you focus on if you never had to research, try, or mourn the failure of another diet?
Where could you put your energy if you had no more insecurity about your body or your weight, or denial about the state of your health?
What would your mood be like if every morning you had more energy, optimism, and focus than you’ve had in years (or ever?)

What will your story be? What will your new reality be?
How will your new ‘everyday’ feel?

It can be AMAZING, beautiful! But you can’t leave it to chance.

God has given us the responsibility – and the ability! – to invest the extraordinary resources and blessings He has given us into reaping greater rewards for His kingdom.
But so many of us sit on the sidelines, scared of taking that chance, and we bury our potential in the ground in search of ‘safety.’

There is no safety in never becoming all you were meant to be.

There is only regret. And the last thing I want you to do, beautiful, is regret wasting any time in becoming the gorgeous, radiantly well woman of God you were born to be!

I want you to have:

Bullet Point 5   Confidence everywhere life takes you – from the boardroom, to the beach, to the marriage bed, to Bible study. You are well in your body, and insecurities have no more control over you!

Bullet Point 5   Peace when you rise up in the morning, knowing you have everything it takes to have a wonderful day in your own skin, and peace when you go to bed, knowing you cared for yourself – and, therefore, others – well.

Bullet Point 5   Ease in all scenarios. No more circling the buffet table at holidays or events, trying to sneak as many cookies as you can because you just-can’t-stop, and desperately hoping that no one is noticing. (Been there, done that!) Sit back and breathe deep – you (and your bod!) can now enjoy those occasions, no binging or stressing necessary.

Bullet Point 5   The ability to inspire more and love more people in your life who are broken in this area. You will be amazed by how many quiet eyes are watching, and how many people will be lifted up by your decision to care for yourself in a Godly way.

Bullet Point 5   Energy to conquer projects and tackle your biggest dreams with gusto and excitement.

Bullet Point 5   Optimism for the days to come and all the ways you can enjoy life in your body and serve others in need.

Bullet Point 5   A radiant relationship with God that starts with a intimate, loving friendship on the inside, and shines outward into your body care and your renewed energy to serve the body of Christ.

Time to step into your dream life

Whether or not you realize it, your time is NOW, beautiful.
All you have to do – to change everything – is decide to begin.

Ready to join us?

Frequently Asked Questions
Will this really help my body?
Even if you don’t make one single change to your health routine or your environment (which I don’t recommend, obviously!), just being aware of God’s love for your body and the profound Biblical basis of body love and care can change your life. A perspective shift like that can’t help but be tremendously influential on your thoughts, and our thoughts about our bodies hugely affect how we care for them.

Of course, if you make no changes to the way you intentionally think about and care for your body, the impact of this course is going to be seriously dampened! Like anything, you will get out of this what you put in. But, if you watch the videos, take some quiet time each week for the personal reflection worksheets, and make the tweaks that suit your life and body best, chances are you will look back and be amazed by how far you’ve come and how much more wellness fills your everyday life!

If you really want to work toward some serious transformation, the VIP options add 1-on-1 coaching sessions with me, which will allow me to hone in and tailor the information and advice in Bombshell Body specifically to you and your life, and give you some personal accountability. We can do these sessions from anywhere in the world via Skype and Google Hangout, and at any point in the course.

Can’t I just get this info from reading your blog and watching your videos?
Short and honest answer? Nope. I love giving you my thoughts, tips, and stories on my blog and on VLX TV. But the bottom line is that overhauling your wellness and your relationship with God and your body is going to take a lot more than a few 1,000 word blog posts and 4 minute videos! There’s no way I can cover even the tip of the iceberg of these topics in the short content I share on my sites and social media – I would be spamming your Facebook newsfeed :) An online course like Bombshell Body allows me to do two things I can’t do any other way:
1 – Give you, all in one place, the full scope of all of the critically necessary topics and aspects that are involved in overhauling your body and spirit care, from every angle and through multiple mediums.
2 – Put all of these topics in an organized framework that will lead you through the paradigm and lifestyle shifts of this incredible life transformation in a way that is engaging, manageable, and makes sense!
Nothing has ever worked for me. How do I know this will?
In my own search for answers (and endless theses and term papers!), I have researched these topics backward and forward, and I have never seen Biblical body stewardship covered by anyone or anything else, let alone in an organized, comprehensive way that is easily accessible.

My belief is that:
Bullet Point 5   releasing the power of God’s love and truth into your heart, and learning how that relates to your physical body,
Bullet Point 5   studying science and the Scriptures on the very best body care practices
Bullet Point 5   combining that with a powerful spirit-and-soul healing of the emotional saboteurs that no one ever talks about

… adds up to a course that, if followed, can produce some stunningly transformational shifts in both inner and outer wellness.

But you do have to be willing to put in the effort, and ready to release the comfy habits and negative thought patterns that have been keeping your body and spirit locked in mediocre misery. (By the way: this misery is a subconscious signal to yourself that you know you are capable of much more!)

However, once we talk about vision and saboteurs – the topics of three entire modules of the course! – letting old negative habits go is going to be easier than ever.

So, if you are ready to be brave and take a leap of faith in a new direction, you are going to fly!

And the beauty of a course like this, that you will own for life, is that you can take new steps when you feel ready and comfortable, racing or inching toward freedom at your own individual pace.

Unlike a personal trainer or nutritionist, we are going to be dealing with your spirit’s health and the basis for positive health changes in the Bible. Unlike a prayer minister, I am going to lay on you the nutrition and wellness principles you need to know to actually make the changes happen! Plus, as a coach, I am going to address all of the underlying heart and soul wounds and blocks that have been preventing you from finally making progress in these areas.

Ready to launch into the life you’ve been dreaming of?

You are worthy of radiant wellness, a flourishing relationship with God, and waking up every morning loving your body.
Time isn’t going backward or slowing down, and you can spend your future in a body you love – but you have to start now, or that future will be farther and farther away.

I know that you have what it takes,

and I’d love to show you how easy it can be. :)

“And Christ said to those who had believed in Him, ‘If you abide in my Word, then you are truly my disciples, and

You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.’”

– John 8:31-32

Join The Bombshell Body Course

Copyright 2014 Jackie Dixon VLX. All Rights Reserved.